Reentry Working Group

The Reentry Working Group is a broad-based coalition of more than 100 organizations focused on federal reentry policy and advocacy to secure funding and implementation of effective reentry programs; to eliminate the harmful impact of collateral consequences of conviction; and to reduce stigmatization of and discrimination against people with criminal legal histories.

Reentry Working Group

The Reentry Working Group is a broad-based coalition of more than 100 organizations focused on federal reentry policy and advocacy to secure funding and implementation of effective reentry programs; to eliminate the harmful impact of collateral consequences of conviction; and to reduce stigmatization of and discrimination against people with criminal legal histories.

Upcoming Meeting

Our next monthly meeting will take place on Friday, September 20th from 12:00—1:30 PM ET. To access the meeting link and agenda, please subscribe to our listserv.

Upcoming Meeting July 19, 2024

Please join us for our next monthly meeting on Friday, September 20th from 12:00—1:30 PM ET. To access the meeting link and agenda, please subscribe to our listserv.


A Fireside Chat on Bipartisan Support for Reentry Policies and Second Chances in collaboration with Rep. Davis, Rep. Rutherford, Rep. Trone, and the Second Chance Task Force was held on Monday, April 29, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET in 2044 Rayburn House Office Building. Read More »


A Fireside Chat on Bipartisan Support for Reentry Policies and Second Chances in collaboration with Rep. Davis, Rep. Rutherford, Rep. Trone, and the Second Chance Task Force was held on Monday, April 29, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET in 2044 Rayburn House Office Building. Read More »

Reentry Working Group Issues

Reentry Working Group Issues

Access to Healthcare

The Reentry Working Group advocates for and supports legislation which would make it easier for states to provide effective health care services, promote smoother transitions from incarceration to community-based care, and reduce risk of overdose and other serious, life-threatening health issues post-release.

Budget & Appropriations

The Reentry Working Group follows this process very closely each year and supports member organizations in advocating on the behalf of a wide range of federal programs that support reentry and related services at the federal, state, and local level.

Collateral Consequences

The Reentry Working Group advocates for Congress and federal agencies to eliminate, reduce, and/or remediate existing collateral consequences as well as prevent the implementation of new ones in the areas of education, nutrition assistance, voting rights, health care, financial and business issues, housing, and more.

Food Security

The Reentry Working Group works to help ensure that people with criminal legal histories and/or who are returning from incarceration have access to food and basic support.


The Reentry Working Group advocates for increased housing access before both Congress and the Administration and has made specific recommendations for remediating barriers to housing and increasing funding to expand housing opportunities for individuals who are reentering. It also advocates against federal policies and programs that reduce access to housing for people with criminal legal histories.

Voting Rights

The Reentry Working Group urges support and implementation of federal voting rights restoration policies for individuals with criminal legal histories who have been disenfranchised.

Workforce Development

The Reentry Working Group supports increasing federal support of reentry and workforce development programs to expand access to training and certification for career-path, skilled employment, including for industries with persistent worker shortages.

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